Rediscover your passions and find new opportunities to make a difference through meaningful dialogues with others.

Questions for Conversation
What does inquiry look like as part of a curriculum?
How do we communicate the importance of inquiry to all educators?
Are there core components of digital inquiry that cut across different ages of learners?
What places and spaces in your community have the potential to inspire curiosity, conversations, and learning?
What role do administrators play in promoting and creating spaces that value digital inquiry?

Questions for Conversation
How do teachers teach about “controversial topics”?
Who is left out of the standard classroom history textbook or school library?
How do we help students decipher fact from fiction or recognize bias in media?
How can schools support multilingual learners?
How do you encourage students to take action? How can students create media to share their voices and take action?

Questions for Conversation
How can educators employ digital inquiry practices to empower and engage students as they develop skills in decoding, language, and comprehension?
How can we ensure that students have opportunities for voice and choice as part of evidence-based reading instruction?
How can school librarians support equitable access to diverse, inclusive school library collections and the integration of technology for teaching and learning?

Questions for Conversation
What is media literacy and how is it different from information literacy and digital literacy?
How do you curate a collection of lesson plans for integrating media literacy into the curriculum?
How do you build awareness and consensus about media literacy education at the state level?
How do you attract diverse leaders for media literacy advocacy goals?

Questions for Conversation
What are the essential steps in any media creation project? What are some of the best practices?
What are some of the constraints placed on create-to-learn pedagogies in your work context? How might you overcome these?
What kind of resources help educators make the transition from instructors to collaborators in their classrooms?

Questions for Conversation
What qualities do you most admire in leaders?
What are some examples of positive changes you’ve seen in your world of work?
What are some critical factors that lead to success?
If you received a $1 million grant at your institution, how would you recommend spending it?