July 9-14, 2023
Providence, RI
Eleven years ago...
Julie Coiro and Renee Hobbs created the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy, helping support the lifelong learning needs of K-12 teachers, college and university faculty, librarians, community leaders, and media professionals. Together, we joined forces with more than 30 faculty colleagues from around the country and around the world to envision a weeklong hands-on, minds-on learning experience that relies on collaboration and the engaging creativity that's stimulated with the use of digital texts, tools, and technologies.
Over the years, we have experimented with design features to advance the digital literacy competencies and network opportunities of like-minded individuals while leveraging the power of inquiry in in-person, online, and hybrid learning spaces and learning across real-time and anytime contexts. Learn about the history of our collaboration and what we have learned along the way.
Now, in 2023...
Julie and Renee look to the future with new models for how to best meet the changing needs of those who share our interests in the intersection of literacy, education, information, and communication.
Julie and a diverse, talented team of educators will lead a fully in-person week-long experience of the 11th Annual Summer Institute in Digital Literacy in Providence, Rhode Island. This year's focus will be designed especially for educators, librarians, and digital media professionals from around the world who work in K-12 schools or teacher education contexts.
Coming soon, Renee will have more to share about her vision for an innovative and fully online learning experience that will take place in early 2024.
Join us at the University of Rhode Island's downtown Providence campus as we build relationships and take a deep dive into hands-on, minds-on experiences that emphasize inquiry, collaboration, creation, and learning. Reflective walking tours through the city and evening social events across the week will ensure we make the most of our time together.
At the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy, everyone learns from everyone! All week long, you will:
Share ideas for how to integrate digital inquiry and creative production into K-12 classrooms, libraries, and/or teacher education contexts through intentional planning, experiential learning, collaboration, and innovative assessments of student learning.
Design and reflect upon culturally responsive teaching practices that empower learners as you examine the intersection between digital and media literacy, social justice, and democracy.
Examine how literacy is changing as a result of media and technology and the implications of this cultural and technological shift for teaching and learning at all levels.
Learn concrete strategies for cultivating environments where all students have equal opportunities to learn, share their voices, and work toward meaningful, authentic, and relevant goals.
Build new networks and create new visions for "doing" education in changing and challenging times as you engage in daily conversations throughout the week.
Enlarge your identity as a leader in digital literacy.
Announcing the 11th Annual Keynote Speaker
Mirko Chardin
Mirko Chardin is Novak Education's Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. Before joining Novak, he was the Founding Head of School of the Putnam Avenue Upper School in Cambridge, MA. Mr. Chardin's work has involved all areas of school management and student support. He is also a race, diversity, and cultural proficiency facilitator and leadership coach for the Aspire Institute at Boston University's New Wheelock College of Human Development. In addition, Mr. Chardin is an active hip-hop artist and co-author with Dr. Katie Novak of the bestselling “Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL.“ Mr. Chardin's greatest experience and passion revolves around culturally connected teaching and learning, recruiting and retaining educators of color, restorative practice, and school culture. He encourages others to think more deeply about equity, social justice, Universal Design for Learning, and the power of personal narrative. Learn more about his work here: https://www.novakeducation.com/mirko-chardin
Equity by Design: The Power Promise of UDL
Every student deserves the opportunity to be successful regardless of their zip code, the color of their skin, the language they speak, their sexual and/or gender identity, their religion, and whether or not they have a disability. In his keynote, Novak Education's Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, author, and active hip-hop artist Mirko Chardin will argue if we truly want to be inclusive in our learning environments, we must proactively plan for student variability and begin to see culture and diversity as an asset. This starts with examining our implicit biases, power, and privilege and tapping into students’ personal identities, creating a sense of belonging, and empowering them to co-create the education they are receiving. By using the best practices of Universal Design for Learning alongside culturally responsive teaching techniques, Mr. Chardin will guide us in emphasizing ways to provide an environment where all students have equal opportunities to learn, share their voices, and work toward meaningful, authentic, and relevant goals. By the end of the session, participants will walk away with practical examples of how to use the best practices of Universal Design for Learning and culturally responsive practices to elevate learner voice and help build more equitable learning environments.