2021 Summer Institute in Digital Literacy
Participants tell us, "This program changed my life!"
80% of participants rate it the best professional development they have ever experienced in their careers, rating it a 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale
The Summer Institute Experience Online
You're wondering about how you can balance work, life, and family as you participate in a fully-online professional learning program at home. That's why the schedule for the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy is flexible, allowing you to select the program elements and forms of interaction that meet your needs.
Registered participants meet the faculty and….
Introduce yourself, socialize, meet who you will be learning with, and make new friends
Learn the key vocabulary and big ideas of the program
Gain knowledge of how people create and learn together during the week
Gain familiarity with the Pathwright Learning Management System
Get your questions answered.
These pre-event options help you feel comfortable about the upcoming exciting and intensive week of learning. You'll get a email with a Zoom link to participate in 1 (or more) Gear Up! sessions:
Monday, July 5 1 pm EST
Tuesday, July 6 6 pm EST
Wednesday, July 6 1pm EST
Thursday, July 7, 6 pm EST
Friday, July 8, 1 pm EST
Saturday, July 9, 1 pm EST
Satursday, July 9, 6 pm EST
July 11 - 16, 2021
Structure of a Typical Day
10 AM - 12 PM EST
Looking Up and Out
Choose from a combination of synchronous and asynchronous opportunities to engage with the keynote speaker and other participants around the daily keynote topic.
Daily Convening
A playful, online communal gathering to get energized about the themes of the day.
Keynote Videos
Keynote speakers introduce ideas and inspire, creating an interactive experience with options for facilitated small group interaction.
Digging Deeper
Connect theory to practice through dialogue, creative media-making, and sharing inspired by themes and questions posed by the keynoter.
12:00 - 2:00 EST
Get away from the computer for a while. Exercise and spend time with your family.
Virtually Viral Hangouts
OPTIONAL. Informal networking enables people to develop relationships through dialogue and discussion and sharing, based on the principle, "Everyone Learns from Everyone."
2:00 - 9:00 PM EST
Flexible Learning Time
Activities vary daily and involve a mix of formats. When you register, you select times that work best for you afternoon or evening and maintain a flexible schedule during the week with your dyad partner and homeroom group.
Select from among 40+ workshop topics and discussions. Engage with faculty and other participants around your selected workshops in both synchronous and asynchronous formats. Enjoy large and small group opportunities to discuss issues, raise questions, and build relationships with faculty and participants.
Select times that work best for you to collaborate with others. Gather with a small group for fellowship and sharing with time to reflect on what you learned and how you will apply it in your work and life.
Design Studio
Develop a deep working relationship with another participant, where you collaborate and create together synchronously and asynchronously. You decide how best to engage with each other during the week and you get hands-on, just-in-time support from faculty and other participants, based on your schedule and needs.
Optional Social Events
We work hard and we play hard at the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy! Join us for playful social interaction in the evening, including:
Dance Party
Fun and Games
Virtual Happy Hour
Want a deep-dive overview of the content and the format of the program? Watch this video!